CT Coronary Angiograms

20/11/2018 We are delighted to be able to offer our patients an excellent price on CT coronary angiograms in partnership with Dr Jonathan Hill, Consultant Cardiologist at London Bridge Hospital. This is a state-of-the-art heart test which supercedes the current standard of exercise testing by removing a lot of the guesswork from cardiac assessment, offering […]

Doctors Dissected

20/03/2018 An interview with HSGP doctor (and Samina’s father), the late Dr Mansur Ahmad, forms one chapter of the fascinating Doctors Dissected by Jane Haynes and Martin Scurr. Through a series of candid and personal interviews, the authors lift the ‘mask’ on being a doctor and explore what draws someone to medicine. The book has […]

The Diet Doctors

01/12/2016 Samina co-presented the third series of the popular programme The Diet Doctors on Channel 5. Samina was co-writer of the book based on the series. It is called Diet Doctors Inside and Out: The 12-week Plan to Make You Slim for Life. It can be bought at all good bookshops, including Amazon, or signed […]

2018 Flu Vaccine

03/10/2018 We now have this year’s flu (influenza) vaccine in stock. Flu is a highly infectious illness that is spread by the coughs and sneezes of people who have it. The vaccine is particularly recommended if you are over 65, pregnant or have certain chronic illnesses such as diabetes, kidney disease or chest complaints such as […]

Happy New Year!

03/01/2019 We hope all our patients had a happy and peaceful time over the festive season and wish you all the very best for the New Year

You’ve got it in you

25/02/2019 We love to find new books that will really help our patients, particularly on difficult topics.  Emma Pickett is a lactation specialist and has brought out a fantastic new book to help women with the difficulties of breastfeeding. Emma has been on television and radio discussing this topic and we think her book will […]

Practice News

The HSGP is proud to support The Place2Be, the UK’s leading child mental health charity. The Place2Be has joined forces with law firm Mishcon de Reya to produce a book written for adults by children on the topic of parental separation. In ‘Splitting Up – A Child’s Guide to a Grown Up Problem’, children of various […]