Comprehensive Health Assessments are designed for men and for women according to your age, enabling us to focus on your specific needs. Medicals include physical and mental health assessment with appropriate investigations, report and follow-up. We adopt a flexible attitude, rather than adopting the rigid formats favoured by larger organisations. This ensures we deal with the issues that really matter to you. We will not adopt a scattergun approach to additional more specialised tests but ensure they are focused and appropriate following initial, careful assessment. Ample time is always available for discussing your particular concerns.
Having established a relationship with your GP over time, empathy and an understanding of your life adds to the accuracy of the advice we can offer you about your present and future health. See the information below to see what we would normally include in our Health Assessments.
Detailed review by a female GP, if preferred, of your medical history, full gynaecological history, family medical history, social history, occupational history and lifestyle.
We ensure that there is plenty of time to discuss particular issues or concerns with the GP.
We ensure that there is plenty of time to discuss particular issues or concerns with the GP.
ThinPrep cytology uses the latest technique for sampling cervical cells being more effective than the conventional PAP smear for the detection of abnormal cells and the reduction of inadequate specimens.
Chlamydia, being the most common curable sexually transmitted disease, is also screened for using the same sample. If clinically indicated, HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) and gonorrhoea can be tested for at extra cost.
A comprehensive analysis examining total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL and LDL cholesterol and liver, kidney and thyroid function. Other tests include those for gout, diabetes, metabolic disorders, infection, anaemia and other chronic diseases.
Overall review of stress-related issues though sensitive discussion with the GP plus the use of a validated questionnaire, to promote the early detection of stress.
Includes tests for protein, blood, sugar, ketones, infections, pus cells, bile pigments, pH and nitrites.
Includes examination of the heart, lungs, abdomen, central nervous system, skin, ear, nose and throat, pulse rate and blood pressure at rest. Height, Weight and Body Mass Index.
A test for rubella (German measles) to ensure immunity.
Includes an overall review of results, personalised health action plan and advice on any relevant medical and lifestyle issues.
Indicated when symptoms or signs of vaginal infection are present to identify infections such as Candida (commonly known as thrush), bacterial infections and Gonorrhoea.
Indicated in women with mild abnormalities detected at routine cervical screening or those with a previous history of abnormal cervical smears. HPV detection is a more sensitive marker for cervical disease then cervical smears alone.
A combined blood test which includes detection of antibodies the HIV 1 and 2 viruses and the HIV p24 antigen. The benefit of having a test for the p24 antigen is that it allows earlier detection of HIV infection from as soon as 4 weeks after contact, compared to 12 weeks when it is omitted.
Detailed review by a female GP, if preferred, of your medical history, full gynaecological history, family medical history, social history, occupational history and lifestyle.
We ensure that there is plenty of time to discuss particular issues or concerns with the GP.
We ensure that there is plenty of time to discuss particular issues or concerns with the GP.
A comprehensive analysis examining total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL and LDL cholesterol and liver, kidney and thyroid function. Other tests include those for gout, diabetes, metabolic disorders, infection, anaemia and other chronic diseases.
Overall review of stress-related issues though sensitive discussion with the GP plus the use of a validated questionnaire, to promote the early detection of stress.
Includes tests for protein, blood, sugar, ketones, infections, pus cells, bile pigments, pH and nitrites.
Includes examination of the heart, lungs, abdomen, central nervous system, skin, ear, nose and throat, pulse rate and blood pressure at rest. Height, Weight and Body Mass Index.
ThinPrep cytology uses the latest technique for sampling cervical cells, being more effective than the conventional PAP smear for the detection of abnormal cells and the reduction of inadequate specimens.
Includes an overall review of results, a personalised health action plan and advice on any relevant medical and lifestyle issues.
Indicated when symptoms or signs of vaginal infection are present to identify infections such as Candida (commonly known as thrush).
This detects the presence of blood in the stool and is recommended for patients over the age of 45. For those with a strong family history of bowel cancer, the option of referral for a colonoscopy will be discussed and advised upon where appropriate.
We are delighted to be able to offer our patients CT coronary angiograms in partnership with Dr Jonathan Hill, Consultant Cardiologist. This is a state-of-the-art heart test which gives definitive images of the coronary blood vessels which in turn means that we can give you definitive advice regarding the state of your heart and advice re treatment or preventative measures. Largely, the results are reassuring.
Regular mammography screening has been shown to reduce breast cancer mortality by up to 30-50%. It is recommended once every 2 years for women over the age of 40 or earlier if clinically indicated or if there is a family history of breast cancer. State-of-the-art digital mammograms are superior in quality and offer many benefits.
Detailed review by a GP of the medical background including medical history, family medical history, social history, occupational history and lifestyle.
We ensure that there is plenty of time to discuss particular issues or concerns with the GP.
A comprehensive analysis examining total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL and LDL cholesterol and liver, kidney and thyroid function. Other tests include those for gout, diabetes, metabolic disorders, infection, anaemia and other chronic diseases.
Overall review of stress-related issues though sensitive discussion with the GP plus the use of a validated questionnaire, to promote the early detection of stress.
Includes tests for protein, blood, sugar, ketones, infections, pus cells, bile pigments, pH and nitrites.
Includes examination of the heart, lungs, abdomen, central nervous system, skin, ear, nose and throat, pulse rate and blood pressure at rest. Height, Weight and Body Mass Index.
Includes an overall review of results, a personalised health action plan and advice on any relevant medical and lifestyle issues.
Includes tests for protein, blood, sugar, ketones, infections, pus cells, bile pigments, pH and nitrites.
It is estimated that 5 - 10 % of sexually active men in the UK have this infection which has no symptoms in 60% of the men affected. A simple urine test can now detect this infection. We particularly recommend it for men under 30 or at other ages if you feel at risk.
A combined blood test which includes detection of antibodies to the HIV 1 and 2 viruses and the HIV p24 antigen. The benefit of having a test for the p24 antigen is that it allows earlier detection of HIV infection from as soon as 4 weeks after contact, compared to 12 weeks when it is omitted.
Detailed review by a GP of the medical background including medical history, family medical history, social history, occupational history and lifestyle.
We ensure that there is plenty of time to discuss particular issues or concerns with the GP.
A comprehensive analysis examining total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL and LDL cholesterol and liver, kidney and thyroid function. Other tests include those for gout, diabetes, metabolic disorders, infection, anaemia and other chronic diseases.
Screening for prostate cancer is by measurement of the PSA (prostate specific antigen) together with digital rectal examination. It is suggested for patients over 45 and those with a family history of prostate cancer.
Where indicated we will give you a specific figure estimating your comparable risk of future heart disease and clear advice how to reduce your risk if necessary.
Includes an overall review of results, a personalised health action plan and advice on any relevant medical and lifestyle issues.
Overall review of stress-related issues though sensitive discussion with the GP plus the use of a validated questionnaire, to promote the early detection of stress.
Includes tests for protein, blood, sugar, ketones, infections, pus cells, bile pigments, pH and nitrites.
Includes examination of the heart, lungs, abdomen, central nervous system, skin, ear, nose and throat, pulse rate and blood pressure at rest. Height, Weight and Body Mass Index.
Includes tests for protein, blood, sugar, ketones, infections, pus cells, bile pigments, pH and nitrites.
This detects the presence of blood in the stool and is recommended for patients over the age of 45. For those with a strong family history of bowel cancer, the option of referral for a colonoscopy will be discussed and advised upon where appropriate.
We are delighted to be able to offer our patients CT coronary angiograms in partnership with Dr Jonathan Hill, Consultant Cardiologist. This is a state-of-the-art heart test which gives definitive images of the coronary blood vessels which in turn means that we can give you definitive advice regarding the state of your heart and advice re treatment or preventative measures. Largely, the results are reassuring.